lunes, 17 de febrero de 2014


Internet and Leguage

With the pass of the years the technology has advanced in big steps, and  Turned uncontrollable. The new generations are using this technology as way of communication. Current it is also easy to obtain good connection conotra presents that it lives in another country. Also the young persons are in the habit of being on line always the paragraph to be updating his profile and to support minute his followers. The above mentioned trend has been used this technology, generating dependence and doing it in one of the strongest mass media to the way.

domingo, 9 de febrero de 2014

Frida Kahlo

Frida kahlo,

 famous woman in the 90´s who was recognized for your painting and the strong personality that characterized. Their physical appearance, is marked by the many accidents that occurred during his life, in spite of this it was a woman desired by men and women who muhos today remember her as a BRILLIANT woman.

About the physical description Frida Kahlo was a woman who had a particular beauty in appearance is reflected all the suffering she lived.
She had bushy eyebrows and mustache, it was her characteristic.
After the accident, she had many problems with her leg because it became paralyzed.
She liked dressing as a man because she wanted to be respected as a man and she wanted to win the things for herself and not for the consideration of being a woman. This drove her to believe in gender equality. All these characteristics made her one different woman to the others.
 Since she was a little girl she suffered several accidents, but over time she learned how to live with this and how to show the world that women are strong no matter where they are or what they have. Her personality was characterized in two strong points : strunggles and passion.Frida Kahlo was a woman of great character and strong presence, whose charm varied humor and sarcasm. Even the clueless could perceive their presence and sharp, with it, the history of struggle for life and love that characterized.
 So her works  are based on her accidents and her suffering but of course showing how she survive with this.

In her works she shows the women as a symbol of strength, because in her times women are less than men but she didn't think that so she shows that women and men are the same and it caused controversy in the world because women started to rebel and make things that in this time they can't do.
That's why we think she was a brilliant mind, because if she didn't show what she thinks maybe in our time women be like in her time, and can't do things because only men can do this things and this is not like that we are humans and for this we are equals.

jueves, 6 de febrero de 2014

¿Who we are?

We are four girls who lives in Bogotá , Colombia and studies at the University La Sábana. All of us are in differents carrers but we have one thing in común , we are powerfoull girls who have's big plans and ambicios golas.

 Ana María Vega Cubillos, I’m sixteen years old, and I was born in Bogota.My hair is dark brown and straight, my eyes are green, I am short.
My mother's name is Nelly Cubillos, my dad’s name is Francisco Vega, and they separated when I was 3 years old, then I lived with my mom and my mother's family in Libano Tolima and my dad now lives in Honda Tolima. I have two sisters, Juliana and Pilar (I'm the little sister), I have two nieces, Isabella and Anna. Now I live with my sister Juliana in Bogota, because I am studying International Business Administration at the university La Sabana.
I am responsible, friendly, respectful, fun-loving, adventurous, sure of myself, positive and full of myself
I wear comfortable and casual clothes. My hobbies are swimming, dancing and watch movies.
And in the future I want to be a businesswoman andI want to remain united to all my family.

Maria Fernanda Santoyo, I was born on 16 August 1996 in Bucaramanga.I'm a smart, sparkle, trendy, funny, fit, ambitious and pretty student of LSU who loves medicine, fashion and sports.

María Paula Varela, I was born on 5 March 1992. I´m twenty-two years old. actually im only studyng english, but am in seven semester of social comunication and journalis. Am a waitress of the famous bar-restaurant Andres Carne de Res. I consider myself a fashionist lover, also am so relax person and i try to see me as well. I try to think alway positive, I am fairly spontaneous, and i think thas the key of the live.