jueves, 6 de febrero de 2014

¿Who we are?

We are four girls who lives in Bogotá , Colombia and studies at the University La Sábana. All of us are in differents carrers but we have one thing in común , we are powerfoull girls who have's big plans and ambicios golas.

 Ana María Vega Cubillos, I’m sixteen years old, and I was born in Bogota.My hair is dark brown and straight, my eyes are green, I am short.
My mother's name is Nelly Cubillos, my dad’s name is Francisco Vega, and they separated when I was 3 years old, then I lived with my mom and my mother's family in Libano Tolima and my dad now lives in Honda Tolima. I have two sisters, Juliana and Pilar (I'm the little sister), I have two nieces, Isabella and Anna. Now I live with my sister Juliana in Bogota, because I am studying International Business Administration at the university La Sabana.
I am responsible, friendly, respectful, fun-loving, adventurous, sure of myself, positive and full of myself
I wear comfortable and casual clothes. My hobbies are swimming, dancing and watch movies.
And in the future I want to be a businesswoman andI want to remain united to all my family.

Maria Fernanda Santoyo, I was born on 16 August 1996 in Bucaramanga.I'm a smart, sparkle, trendy, funny, fit, ambitious and pretty student of LSU who loves medicine, fashion and sports.

María Paula Varela, I was born on 5 March 1992. I´m twenty-two years old. actually im only studyng english, but am in seven semester of social comunication and journalis. Am a waitress of the famous bar-restaurant Andres Carne de Res. I consider myself a fashionist lover, also am so relax person and i try to see me as well. I try to think alway positive, I am fairly spontaneous, and i think thas the key of the live.

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